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Ultimate Build in public guide for Twitter

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Written by Jim Raptis

Apr 14, 2022 • 2 min

Build in public definition

Build in public is about sharing openly your wins, failures, experiments, ideas, problems, even your revenue while building a product from scratch.

Build in public pros

Since you share everything openly, you build trust, and people empathize with you being vulnerable.

People take part in the building process, and you end up with a loyal fan base that roots for you daily. Your followers spread the word about your product and become your best ambassadors.

It’s like having an army ready to fight for you, but instead of firing guns, they speak about you and your product.

Eventually, you boost your product’s word-of-mouth and reach a broad audience around the world.

Another big benefit is that you can get feedback and help on everything almost instantly. Validate demand on new ideas, get feature suggestions, solve a complex engineering problem, research your target audience's needs and habits.

Build in public cons

As with everything in life, build in public has both pros and cons. The biggest drawbacks of build in public are two.

It’s a marketing channel that needs a lot of effort and can’t be automated. This means that you need to post your updates daily, and you need to do it by yourself.

The second con is copycats. When you share everything openly, it overly “inspires” some people who envy your success (or they guess you’re successful). That’s not a problem for your business because most probably these people won’t be a long runner. But it will affect your mental state.

Who are the build in public SaaS gurus

Jim Raptis (me haha), Damon Chen, Pieter Levels, Jon, Tally, Dominik Sobe, Tony Dinh.

Now let’s see what’s the proper way to build in public!

Learn from the pros

First of all, your need to reverse-engineer how the best founders build in public. What they post, how they post it, and why they post it.

Build in public is sharing about every aspect of your journey, but you need to understand which parts are worth sharing and which don’t. You need to both share business insights and personal life experiences to build a better connection with your audience.

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The 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing book is a great starting point for anyone to learn how to write better, which is an essential skill if you want to write good tweets.


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Jim Raptis

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